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Thursday 27 June 2013

Polka Dots

I love that polka dots have come in to fashion recently (well in the past year or so), as you'll soon come to find I have a complete obsession with anything that has polka dots on it (see current background of blog). Last week I even wore a polka dot tee, polka dot trousers and polka dot shoes all in one go. I did get a few strange looks that day - I wonder why...? My mum is the same with stripes, she literally has about 50 striped tops. Maybe we should swap some clothes as I love mixing stripe and pattern with a good dot!

Fashion Bargains
As you may have guessed, todays outfit involves polka dots! The dress was an absolute steal from COW Vintage Birmingham, although it did need a good attack with scissors, needle and thread to make it fit properly. At the other end of the spectrum I'm also wearing my most prized possession in the form of my Marc by Marc Jacobs watch that I got for my 21st birthday. I drooled over this beauty in the Selfridges' watch section for months before my birthday, and since getting it (with all the thanks in the world to the bestest mum and dad ever) I have had endless admirers! Let me know what you think...

Dress: Cow Vintage £2 (in sale), Necklace: Accessorize £3 (in sale), Watch: Marc by Marc Jacobs £200 (birthday gift)
Tenby Street North, Birmingham

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